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Tate Modern: Olafur Eliasson Exhibition

Updated: Mar 22, 2020

Olafur Eliasson’s installations change the way you see, think and feel. colour was realised as an enclosed space filled with intense yellow light. It stopped you in your tracks; everything looked flat, sickly and unreal. Normal perception was revealed to be relative, provisional – a mere trick of the light. At Tate Modern the piece is reduced to rows of neon tubes hung outside the lifts; they are scarcely noticeable, let alone transformative. Eliasson uses art to open our eyes to the disastrous impact we are having on the planet and so elements of climate change and human environmental impact on the earth are also explored. Eliasson's interest in natural phenomena and weather patterns continues, with explorations of water, light and mist in a number of works.

Like many of the works in the show, these encourage the viewer to consider their relationship with the natural world and the impact that human behaviour has on it. Created environments, and our response to and impact on them, are explored in the show alongside the natural environment.

Olafur Eliasson's establishments change the manner in which you see, think and feel. shading was acknowledged as an encased space loaded up with extraordinary yellow light. It left you speechless; everything looked level, debilitated and incredible. Typical recognition was uncovered to be relative, temporary – a unimportant stunt of the light. At Tate Modern the piece is decreased to columns of neon cylinders hung outside the lifts; they are barely perceptible, not to mention transformative. Eliasson utilizes craftsmanship to open our eyes to the awful effect we are having on the planet thus components of environmental change and human natural effect on the earth are likewise investigated. Eliasson's enthusiasm for normal marvels and climate examples proceeds, with investigations of water, light and fog in various works.

In the same way as other of the works in the show, these urge the watcher to consider their association with the common world and the effect that human conduct has on it. Made conditions, and our reaction too and sway on them, are investigated in the show close by the regular habitat.

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1 Comment

Faris Hero
Faris Hero
Mar 25, 2020

What an unbelievable report of the exhibition!

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