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Renovation. Remodel. Rebrand.

In order to successfully rebrand you need to already have a clearly spelled-out mission, vision, and list of values, for yourself as a designer. Rebranding is not just about a new logo or website, but about the entire look and feel of my own brand that I aim to reflect to the world. Make sure that there’s a consistent and cohesive strategy that spans all elements (logo, packaging, signage, flyers, ads, etc.) and channels of my own brand (digital, social, brick-and-mortar presence, etc.). Analyze what to keep and what to discard from your current branding.

A logo is the first point of contact with the outside world. If people connect with a logo and branding, the likelihood is they'll be more open to whatever it is offering them. Great logo design requires a complex mixture of design skills, creative theory and skilful application. As a result, I kept certain elements in mind such as simplicity which aids recognition as well as Injecting a certain nature of realism into the logo.

While considering what to keep and develop I had to understand which elements within my own brand that maybe already be working well. Typically, I wanted to keep the same colour tones that being of a monotone nature. Ideally, some elements of my current brand will be preserved, so that there’s a feel of continuity within the rebrand, and I don’t lose the elements that already resonate with my aimed demographic. Basically: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Below can be seen the process of early sketches to create a new logo to represent me as a designer.

Moving forward, I intended to breathe life into certain selected sketches as well as creating more although foley on the online based format.

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