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The Professional Game: Key to Posters

Within this module it was key to always give other members advice or assistance on a task. Hence why Loop designs decided to create this process of sharing the bulk load of certain aspects of the module and in the case of the pop up studio posters this was far from the truth. However I personally went through creating a structure for my design process into creating posters. The steps being:

Pick an Attention-Grabbing Headline

My headline needed to snag people’s attention. It had to get them to look at my poster and read the rest of the information I'm trying to share with them. For poster designs where a headline is less obvious, it was be challenging to summarise my entire idea into a single sentence (or even a single word) that perfectly encapsulates what I wanted to convey. I took time to get this element right.

Select a Nice Colour Palette

My colour palette had to significantly change the look of my poster design and influence viewers in subtle ways a layman wouldn't expect. Chosen colours matter a great deal and can completely change the tone of any design. Bold colours won’t suit every design, so I avoided the temptation to use super-saturated hues as well as bright primary colours in every poster I had visualised.

Create the Visual Hierarchy

Visual Hierarchy is the display of information based on the importance of its role in the intended design. It determines the size of the text as well as its placement. It also guides the eye through your poster and helps the viewer to comprehend the flow of your information more easily. A good flow leads to a good design. There are three basic elements to this text hierarchy: headline, subheading (a statement or bit of information that supports or reinforces the headline), and body text (the rest of the text content). Keeping text appropriately sized is important, so be certain that the headline is largest, your sub-headings are medium in size, and your body text is in the smallest font.

Work that Negative Space

Using the space available is a great way to create unique and inspiring designs. Anyone can effectively convey a lot of meaning without using many words in your work. Utilising negative space is an effective way to create impact without overloading the viewer with too much visual information.

Using the following steps I had created the following poster designs to promote the pop up studio for Loop Designs.

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