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The Professional Game: Me, myself and my design

Updated: May 26, 2020

A logo is the first point of contact with the outside world. If people connect with a logo and branding, the likelihood is they'll be more open to whatever it is offering them. Great logo design requires a complex mixture of design skills, creative theory and skilful application. As a result, I kept certain elements in mind such as simplicity which aids recognition as well as Injecting some wit into the logo. Furthermore, a logo doesn’t have to show what the company does, in fact, it’s better if it doesn’t, because the more abstract the mark, the more enduring it can become. To begin, I put pencil to paper and continued to just sketch whatever came to mind. I'd further on take it adobe illustrator to sharpen and finish. In the end i ended up going forward with version 2 due to its simplicity and duality. My name meaning Knight in the Arabic language and using the chess piece of knight to represent my brand is perfect as it suggest I think carefully before any decisions and my patience is ever lasting.

Some other ideas that didn't make the cut.

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