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The Professional Game: Merchandise and the Visual Appeal

Merchandising begins with the visual approach. Merchandising is everything to promote and sell a brand. content creators automatically start a brand when they set up their name and gain a following. Promotional merchandise holds its own alongside other marketing activities in terms of impressions and impact. Within the case of the Loop Designs, we had set out to create some merchandise that would convey our brands core identity. I had explored a variety of designs, templates and mockups to showcase within group meetings and presentations to which feedback was always inceptive.

Initially, these were the very first t shirt designs we as a group envisioned. In the end it was seen as too bland and simple and needed more of a blend of creativity. Exhibited below are some of the experimental stages of mockup designs.

Here are some more examples of more elegant and consistent designs. These showed more of a positive reaction in group meetings as well as presentations.

In the end, the final design for the Loop Designs Popup studio was combined with the essence of a promotional poster and the concept of mockup t shirts above.

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