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The Professional Game: Starting

The term 'professional practice' refers to the conduct and work of someone from a particular profession. At the University Of Westminster, our current project involved being put into groups of 6 randomly. My own group consisted of six unique individuals being Mohamed, Ismael, Ellie, Denitsa, Kintija and myself. Our objective was to upstart a design studio involving clear practise of professionalism. Our first step in achieving this objective was to meet as a group. We utilised the in‐class meetings to get to know each other. We threw out certain ideas on what we were thinking regarding the branding of our studio and had kept others. Since we had not worked with each other before it was vital that we could create a working chemistry between us and an open exchange environment.

In the end, we had recorded all of our suggestions and finally decided that from then on we would be named "Loop Designs" with our tagline being "Join the loop". The reason for this being that we wanted to make sure customers and targeted demographics would see that when referring to Loop and circular shape would come to mind. Circular shapes pass on a conviction that all is good, conventionalism, quality, and so forth. Circles transmit a feeling of intensity in another manner. Furthermore, along these lines is point by point beneath. Round logos are generally joined with different components, that give them character and consistency. Moreover, we wanted to create a sense of never ending communication, in essence being "a never ending loop of open exchange".

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